Live Music For Free???

When I was growing up, a main source of my money spending went towards concerts. Sometimes it would seem like the concert ticket I was buying wasn't that expensive. I'd see a ticket price listed as $20 and think to myself, "Oh, that's not bad at all, I can totally swing that little splurge." Then I would proceed to the online checkout and find out that with the added taxes and fees the concert ticket was actually closer to $40. And $40 concert tickets most definitely add up. While I do still love to save and add concert tickets into my budget when I can, I am not able to do it as much as I used to or as much as I wish I could. But as you can say for pretty much everything in this day and age, there is an app for that!
The app Sofar Sounds was created by a San Francisco local who wanted to change the live music experience. When signing up for this app, you can identity yourself as an artist, a host, or a fan and specify where you live so the shows are in your area. The goal is to create live music events that are intimate and enjoyable and at a fraction of the cost of a normal concert at a well known venue. Most shows that are listed on the app or website are a lottery to get tickets; you can't just automatically purchase them. Fans must click the button to app to apply and if they are selected, only then can you purchase a ticket OR confirm your attendance for free. When browsing through the show listings, it will either say "Get Tickets" or "Attend" and that is how you differentiate whether or not you will have to pay for a ticket. Typically, the day before the show is scheduled you will receive an email with the exact address of where your show is (you do not find out until then). You also don't even find out who the artist is for the show until you arrive.
If you have the space, you can also be the host of these intimate gigs rather than just being an attendee. The people who are willing to do this give incredible opportunities for musicians. Not only does this website and app save you money while still allowing you to go out and have a good time with friends, but it also builds a community. It connects artists and musicians with fans that probably would not have been able to discover their music had it not been for a platform like this, it brings people together. This program is fresh and exciting and truly one of its kind right now and it definitely has the potential to grow and continue to be successful. It truly is an awesome way to support local art. Plus, if you feel inclined to tip the musicians, you will feel much better knowing exactly where your money is going rather than what all those added fees are that you don't know about until the last possible moment. So, sign up for Sofar Sounds and start listening to some music; you could find a new favorite band!


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