Disposable Cameras Fad

In the age of technology and social media, pretty much anyone can be a photographer. All smart phones have pretty impressive cameras on them and with editing apps, you can really look like the real deal. I, however, have always felt like using a physical camera that is separate from a phone, makes such a big difference. The only problem... camera's are not cheap. So I compromised. Those disposable film cameras that were all the rage in the 90s and early 2000s? They are still so accessible today and at a fraction of the cost of a nice, fancy camera. Most pharmacies and even convenience stores sell these disposable cameras. I always try to buy them in a pack of two (typically for around $20) because they are a little bit cheaper than buying them individually.

Now, I do consider these as a little bit of a splurge because in addition to the actual camera you have to buy, you also have to pay to get them developed. Basically any Walgreens will do this for around $17. If this is your only option, go for it (it always comes with a CD of your photos in addition to printed copies). But, if you know of a local photo store in your area, that is typically the cheaper route. I don't do this all the time, because the price does add up, but I think for little trips or vacations it's such a good idea! They are the simplest cameras to use and don't cost a fortune. Plus, they make great memories! Here's some photos I've taken on disposable cameras recently.

If you still can't justify spending money on a disposable camera (understandable) there a couple of FREE apps I like that I think give pictures you take on your phone a very similar quality to film cameras. Can be just as fun and creative! 
  1. Huji Cam
  2. RNI Films
  3. CALLA Cam


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