Budgeting at Trader Joe's

Trader Joe's is one of my favorite places. Not just my favorite grocery store, but quite literally one of my favorite places. I could probably spend hours there. There always seems to be differing opinions though on whether or not Trader Joe's is overpriced. For as many people that say it is budget friendly, there are just as many countering it saying that it is too expensive. I can't say I really agree with either. If I could spend as much money as I wanted at Trader Joe's I definitely would, but there are a handful of things that I personally recommend finding at a store other than Trader Joe's. On the other hand, there are also a handful of things that I always like to stock up on here.

For the most part, the fresh produce at Trader Joe's can be somewhat expensive. Some things like their bagged greens are moderately priced, but the rest is more expensive than other grocery stores. Except for bananas. The first thing that is always cheap at Trader Joe's is their bananas. At only 19 cents each this is the perfect price if you are only planning on buying a handful of bananas.

When it comes to pantry goods, many of the Trader Joe's brand products are budget friendly. One pantry staple for just about everyone I'd say, is pasta. The Trader Joe's brand pasta is some of my favorite and it also has one of my favorite prices. All of the basic pasta types are only 99 cents. With prices like this you can make any of your favorite pasta dishes without worrying about the price on your grocery receipt.

Something that goes right along with pasta is olive oil. I can't necessarily vouch for their olive oil being the most pure or most quality olive oil you can find (I know for a fact there are better tasting ones), but when on a budget, I think the quality is more than enough! And again, the price is great. I also really like that they sell a pretty big bottle of it, because it is almost absurd how much olive oil I go through with my cooking. An almost 34 oz bottle of Trader Joe's olive oil comes in at $6.49.

The final Trader Joe's product I want to mention because of price is their cereal products. Trader Joe's carries quite a few different brands of cereal, but they also have their own supply of cereals. Over the past few years, the price of name brand cereal has skyrocketed while the boxes of cereal seem to be getting smaller. The Trader Joe's brand cereals not only are much more moderately priced but they also tend to be a little healthier and I think they are just as good. A personal favorite is the cinnamon squares cereal they sell.

Overall, shopping on a budget can most definitely be done at Trader Joe's but you need to make a good list beforehand and remember that there are other grocery stores that sometimes have better prices! Plus, I firmly believe that Trader Joe's has the best snacks and desserts and you can never go wrong with that.


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